Basically Everything,  Home cooking tips

COMING SOON! Basically Recipes

Basically thumbnailBasically Recipes

Learn the basics to cooking. Basic flavour balancing and beginner recipes.

The basic idea

Hi I’m Christopher and here’s the basic idea behind Basically Recipes. I’ve been cooking for awhile now and have been what I would call a home chef or amateur foodie for…well a long time; I mean there are pictures of me cranking out pasta by hand with Nonna when I was like 5 years old.I’ve always been in the kitchen… I just… I love it! so much in fact that I’ve made it my career and over the past several years I’ve gone from home foodie to living and working my passion for food by going to school and working in the culinary industry as aprofessional chef.

Over the years there’s been a lot of experimenting and cooking for necessity with very little cash; like I was broke as a joke trying to stretch $20 for a week. Which of course lead to a lot of trial and error and I mean a lot… My poor- guinea pig family and friends endured some of my highs and some of my real lows… I mean real lows, I crapped the bed a few times, but as they say in Italian “sbagliando si impara” “with our mistakes we learn”.

I’ve also never been a huge fan of following recipes while cooking, but often found myself trying to cook something that I really just didn’t know where to start. So I would end up searching for a basic simple to follow, a sort of a grass- roots, bare- minimum recipe for cooking something and then adding what I’ve learned about flavour balancing to create something more my style. As a result over the years I’ve stock piled a decent collection of what I would call, basic recipes. As well as an understanding of simple balancing and flavour enhancing.

So my plan is basically to share with you all the info I’ve gained through my blunders coupled with a bunch of basic recipes like bread and pasta dough to stock and sauces to soup and chili and even some simple meal ideas, that will not only be simple to make, but will also be cheap and for the most part healthy… for the most part. I will also share some basics on what I know about flavour balancing and flavour matching and even a little about why it’s important to match your dish with not only the people eating the food but also the occasion and believe it or not even the weather.

Ok so basically the idea is that by the end of this book you should be able to take a basic recipe and using the tips I have given you; make something easy, cheap and something that you, your family and friends are all going to actually enjoy eating.

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